Monday, August 21, 2006

A Diversion

Part of starting this blog was to expand my horizons a bit when it comes to reading. I tend to get in ruts and read the same type of thing over and over.

I've been reading Moby Dick. While the core story is very good and is capturing me at times, the endless rhetoric and lectures are really bringing the book down. I am halfway through the book, because it is just excruciating to me to read all the technical stuff. I want the story, and Herman Melville took about 20 pages simply to tell me about the different breeds of whale. Honestly, I don't see why that was integral to the story. It's just excrutiating to read, to be frank, and I've really been torn with whether or not I should continue or put it down and walk away. I mean, it's great literature! And there is a good story in there...somewhere. So today I have decided that what I am doing is reading for pleasure. I am not in 10th grade struggling to read a book and write a paper. I am reading for the enjoyment of it. And Moby Dick is driving me insane. So I will send the book back to the library. But before I move ahead to The Odyssey, I'm going to read another book or two to unclog my brain. I know I will enjoy The Odyssey, but the writing will take some getting used to. And I admit that I am now a bit leary about Master and Commander, but I will plod on. I will adjust the reading list to the left accordingly. I will be back to sea soon.

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