Thursday, July 27, 2006

Treasure Island

by Robert Louis Stevenson

Again. I had not read this novel in school. And yet again, I wonder why. This was an excellently fast-paced book full of adventure and fun. The story is classic. The young boy Jim Hawkins takes us on a quest across the high seas to find buried treasure. Piracy and villiany and heroics abound in this fast-paced and witty tale. I found myself smiling too often as I read, and was always eager to turn the next page. As I began this book, it seemed strikingly familiar, and I began to realize that I must have seen one of the movie versions of this book, because the pictures of Jim at the Admiral Benbow were all too vivid in my mind. I'm going to have to track down the movie and give it a formal viewing, now that I've read the book.

A great read. I am insanely glad that I read this book, and as with the last one, I will forge ahead to my next adventure with relish. Albeit a slightly reserved relish, as I have heard many a tale about Moby Dick- yet I've never read it or seen the movie adaptation. I'm looking forward to it, and likely, it may take a little more time to get through than the previous two have. And if you haven't read Treasure Island, shame on you! Read it, curl up in an easy chair and ready yourself for a swashbuckling adventure.

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